Parent Teacher Association - FoSELS
FoSELS is a registered charity, made up of parents and carers of the children, who help raise funds to support the school. They organise a number of events and activities throughout the school year, which include discos, Easter egg hunt, bake sales and pre-loved uniform sales to name but a few. Each of these events provide opportunities to raise money for the school. Details of the events can be found on the school calendar.
FoSELS are always looking for volunteers to help with events or join the committee, and ideas for fundraising. These events can’t happen without you! If you are interested, then please contact the FoSELS Chairperson, Tracey Acton, via the school office or via email to
Chair – Paula Godfrey
Treasurer – Jarca Handley
Where the funding goes
Since the start of the 2023 academic year, the PTA have funded the following:
- Replacing all out-dated dining tables and chairs with modern, fit-for-purpose seating
- Money raised from the Co-op Local Community Fund has been utilised to purchase new furnishings for the re-developed library
- A successful bid to the Slip End Parish Council funded a new interactive whiteboard for the school
- Purchasing home learning booklets to support children in Year 6 with SATs preparations
- Flipchart easels for all classrooms to support the school's teaching pedagogy
- Maths resources for all year groups which allows for children to visualise concepts during lesson time
- Purchased new playground equipment so that play leaders and sports leaders can facilitate games and activities during these times
Belong | Believe | Achieve