Statutory Information

Values, Vision and Ethos

Our pupils are the heart of everything we do: safeguarding is of paramount importance and children can expect to learn in a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment. We are proud to be federated with Caddington Village School, with a highly-skilled staff team across the Federation, together with a joint Senior Leadership Team and Governing Body, dedicated to giving every child the best possible life chances.

Slip End Village School is a very caring place; high importance is placed on emotional wellbeing and children develop greater awareness of their strengths and needs through the school's bespoke 'SELF' initiative. This teaches them to become independent and resilient learners through developing their self-awareness, self-esteem, self-control, self-motivation, self-sufficiency and self-reflection. 

Slip End also has embedded 'Values Education' which underpins much of what we do. Each month we focus as a whole school on a specific value; all of the values are covered on a two-yearly cycle and, along with 'SELF', form the basis for many of our assemblies. Our values are: Respect, Responsibility, Peace, Appreciation, Commitment, Positivity, Co-operation, Caring, Politeness, Health, Independence, Truth, Harmony, Gratitude, Patience, Pride, Consideration, Sharing, Trust, Well-Being and Hope. 

Our school is at the heart of the community; we seek to establish genuine and effective relationships with our families and be an open and welcoming place, where staff and parents/carers work together to best meet the needs of the child.  We strive to deliver a wide and varied curriculum, making the most of the shared facilities across the Federation. Every child is recognised as an individual and is encouraged, impassioned and empowered to reach their potential and thrive, academically, emotionally and socially. Pupil behaviour is excellent and our results demonstrate high standards of academic achievement by the time pupils leave us at the end of Key Stage 2.

We look forward to sharing our school with you.


Laura Jackson

Executive Headteacher

Contact Details

Our school can be contacted by phone or email. 

Phone: 01582 720152


The school's postal address is: Slip End Village School, Rossway, Slip End, LU1 4DD

The school's SENDCo is Steph Meager and can be contact via the school phone number or email address.

Admissions Arrangements

if you have any questions or queries about admissions or would like to arrange a visit to our school, please contact the school office in the first instance on: 01582 720152 or email 

Please click to view Central Bedfordshire Council Admissions Policy for Caddington Village School Academic Year 2024-2025


Nursery admission applications (for children joining in the term after their third birthday) should be made directly to the school and places are offered subject to availability. Please download the forms below and return the completed forms to the school or via email to:  

Reception and In Year Admissions

Reception and in year admissions to County and Voluntary Controlled Schools, will be determined on the basis of a catchment area for each school. Parents will be advised of the school which serves the local catchment area and will be asked to express a preference for either their catchment area school or an alternative school.

Slip End's Admissions and Appeals continue to be managed by the Local Authority and therefore any queries should go directly to the Admissions Team at Central Bedfordshire on

0300 300 8037 or email:

For further information, please visit the Central Bedfordshire Admissions website at 


New Starters - Cover Letter

New Starter - Form

School Privacy Notice 

School Uniform

Information relating to our school uniform can be found here.

Ofsted Report

The school's latest Ofsted report can be found here.

Test, Exam and Assessment Results

The doument below contain the 2023 Academic Year Results for EYFS, Year 1 Phonics Screening Check, Year 2 Phonics Re-check, Year 2 Teacher Assessment and Year 6 SATs.

The results show the percentage of children achieving the expected standard or above as well as the percentage of children achieving greater depth (GD).

 Due to Covid-19, the government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021-2022 academic year and statutory assessment results for 2019/20 and 2020/21 were not published as performance measures.  They have archived data from 2018-2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect the current performance.

Academic Standards 2023

Performance Measures Website

Please find below the link to the School and College Performance Measures website, which details the school's performance.

Slip End Village School

School Opening Hours

The school is open Monday - Friday from 8:40am - 3:20pm (33hr 20mins). The school also offers a Breakfast Club which operates from 7:45am and after school provision from 3:30-4:30pm


Details of the school curriculum can be found on the 'Our Learning' page on the school website.

Pupil Premium 

This funding is crucial in helping us to increase our provision and the opportunities for our eligible pupils. If you think your child may qualify for free school meals or you would like to find out the eligibility criteria, please contact the school office on 01582 720152,  or alternatively, access the Central Bedfordshire Free School Meals webpage by clicking here.

Pupil Premium Strategy

Recovery Premium

Details of the school COVID-19 Catch Up funding can be found here.

PE & Sports Premium for Primary Schools

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

PE & Sports Premium Grant Review 2023-2024

PE & Sports Premium Action Plan 23-24

Slip End - PE Premium Funding 2022-2023 Review

Public Section Equality Duty and Objectives

Details of the school's Equality Information and Objectives can be found below.

Equality Information & Objectives

Special educational needs and disability (SEND) information

Slip End Village School prides itself on being inclusive. Details related to SEND information including the local offer can be found here.

If you would like to contact the school's SENDCo - Steph Meager - please contact the school office. 


The school's complaint procedure is detailed in the polices section of this page.

Governor's Information and Duties

Details of the Federation's Governing Body can be found on the Governors page of the website.

Financial Benchmarking

What is School's Benchmarking?

Benchmarking is the process of comparing our spending with those schools that have similar characteristics to our school, both locally and/or nationally.  It allows you to compare the school's spend in different areas such as staffing, supplies and buildings.

To find out more information regarding School financial benchmarking, please use this link Schools Financial Benchmarking

The school does not have any employees with a gross annual salary in excess of £100,000.

Request for Paper Copies

If you wish to request a paper copy of any information held on the school website such as policies, then please contact the school office on 01582 720152.

These printouts will be provided free of charge.