Attendance and Punctuality

Below, you will find guidelines regarding Attendance and Punctuality as determined by our Governing Body.  These guidelines are set in accordance with Government guidelines and the Local Authority expects us to follow them.

Further information from the Department for Education can be found here.


A child in this country has a right to an education. Section 444 of the Education Act 1996 states:

‘If you have a child of compulsory school age, who is registered at school, you must make sure that your child attends that school regularly’.

 We, the staff and Governors of Slip End Village School, believe that pupils must be given the opportunity to achieve their best by attending school regularly and punctually. We have clear aims regarding attendance, which can be found in out attendance policy below.


 Class teachers, the admin team and the Head of School are responsible for monitoring attendance on a daily basis; all parties will take appropriate action in terms of:

  • Recording attendance and absence
  • Reporting concerns about a child’s attendance

It is the responsibility of the Governors to monitor the school’s overall attendance, and they request a termly report from the Headteacher with regards to this matter. The Governing Body also has the responsibility for the attendance policy and for seeing that it is carried out. The Governors will therefore closely examine the information provided and seek to ensure that the attendance figures meet the targets set.

In 2023-24 Slip End Village School’s attendance was 94.03% which was below the national average.

Our target this year is to equal or better the National average. Together we will strive to meet this target by following our school procedures for attendance and punctuality and working closely with Central Bedfordshire Access and Inclusion team.