(Personal, Social and Health, Economic Education)

At Slip End Village School, we value PSHE. We are independent and empathetic!

PSHE should allow children to become self-aware, self-motivated and self-sufficient; learn self-control and self-care, and build their self-esteem. Following the PSHE Associations Programme of Study, these skills are covered under the headings of Relationships, Heath and Wellbeing, and Living in the Wider World.  

Throughout their time at Caddington Village School, children will learn to develop effective relationships, assume greater personal responsibility and manage personal safety, including online. PSHE education helps pupils to manage the physical and emotional changes at puberty, introduces them to a wider world and enables them to make an active contribution to their communities. 


At our schools we believe that in order to become life-long focussed and independent learners it is important that children are given the opportunity to develop high self-esteem and good self-control, be self-sufficient, self-aware and self-motivated and are able to use the skills of self-care throughout their school lives. 

Our PSHE curriculum follows the Kapow scheme of work.  We take a whole school approach to PSHE and it is our intention that by teaching PSHE through the Kapow scheme of work we will enable our pupils to develop a sound knowledge of themselves, how to develop relationships with others, the importance of health (including mental health) and wellbeing, and to understand important aspects of living in the wider world. 


  • PSHE is taught weekly in explicit sessions of a maximum of 1 hour. 

  • Throughout the curriculum we focus on five different areas of PSHE: Family and relationships, health and wellbeing, safety and the changing body, citizenship and economic wellbeing. 

  • Our planning for PSHE and RSE is taken from the Kapow scheme of work. Planning is reviewed regularly and adapted according to national developments and the needs of differing cohorts to keep it fresh, relevant and inspiring. 

  • All pupils, regardless of ability and EAL will access the scheme of work, although we expect activities to be adapted where necessary. PSHE lessons are taught weekly. 

  • In EYFS, PSHE is taught using Kapow planning alongside the EYFS curriculum with age-appropriate tasks developed to encourage the children to explore and begin to independently regulate their feelings and emotions. 

  • In KS1 and KS2, PSHE is taught using the Kapow scheme of work with age-appropriate tasks using an explicit lesson each week. 

  • Learning is recorded through class floor books. 


Relationships and sex education (RSE) 

  • RSE is taught to years 2, 5 and 6 in the Spring term, as part of our Safety and the Changing Body topic. Year 4 girls receive a lesson on menstruation. 

  • Lessons have been identified as statutory or optional – this is shared with parents prior to the lessons starting. 

  • Parents are invited into school to explore relevant materials and these are also shared on our websites. This is also an opportunity to ask staff questions and have open conversations. 

Development in PSHE helps form a holistic picture of each child which in turn informs provision across the curriculum 

As a result of our PSHE curriculum, our children will be able to develop and sustain relationships with others, understand the importance of health (both physical and mental) and wellbeing. 

Children can talk their feelings and ways that they can express them. They will be able to talk about how the different areas of PSHE impact their own lives. 

Children will be able to understand more about relationships and sex education and what a healthy relationship should look like. 

Specific teaching strategies that are used are: 

  • Weekly PSHE lessons which follow the scheme of work

  • Feelings flower (or similar) up in class used daily in order to recognise and respond to the feelings that the pupils have.

  • Activities are planned to allow children to practise the skills and explore their feelings through role play, games and activities.

  • Feedback is given verbally, specifically during PSHE lessons and more generally across the day.

Relationships and Sex Education

As part of your child’s education at Caddington Village School, we promote personal wellbeing and development through our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) lessons. PSHE is the curriculum subject that gives children the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to live safe, healthy, productive lives and meet their full potential. The school has a statutory duty to provide lessons that focus on the body, personal hygiene and how our bodies change.  In Science, we also have a statutory duty to teach life processes for humans and animals. 

To deliver a successful programme it is vital that we work with parents to teach this content and parental consultation has played a key part in decisions that we have made.  We follow the Kapow scheme of work and RSE lessons are included as part of our Safety and the Changing Body unit. These are also linked to the NSPCC PANTS scheme. We always adapt resources like this to best represent the needs of each class and child.  

Please find below the Kapow parents guides to RSE and a link to the NSPCC PANTS resources.  


 RSE - Parent Guide.pdfDownload
 RSE - Presentation for Parents.pdfDownload
 Year 2 - Safety and The Changing Body.pdfDownload
 Year 5 - Safety and The Changing Body.pdfDownload
 Year 6 - Safety and The Changing Body - Sex Education.pdfDownload
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