Governing Body

Slip End Village School is federated with Caddington Village School with a single Governing Body.
Laura Jackson is the Executive Headteacher with responsibility for leadership and management at both schools.

Powers and Duties of the Governing Body

Parliament has given a range of duties and powers to Governing Bodies under the Education Acts including all of the following:

  • conducting the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement;
  • setting appropriate targets for pupil achievement;
  • taking general responsibility for the conduct of the school - in practice this should include how in broad strategic terms it should be run;
  • managing the school’s budget; including determining the staff complement and making decisions on staff pay in accordance with the School Teachers Pay and Conditions Document;
  • making sure that the curriculum for the school is balanced and broadly based and in particular that the National Curriculum and religious education are taught, and reporting on National Curriculum assessments and examination results;
  • determining the staff complement and a pay policy for the school;
  • participating in the appointment of the head and deputy head teacher and other staff and regulating staff conduct and discipline;
  • establishing, following consultation with all staff, and reviewing annually a performance management policy for staff appraisal; and
  • drawing up an action plan after an inspection. 

The Functioning of the Governing Body

Our Governing Body consists of volunteers who represent the parents, staff, community and local authority, see below.

We work in partnership with the Head Teacher to set the vision for the school. We support, challenge and hold to account the Head Teacher and the School Leadership Team to improving children's outcomes and raising standards. In addition we review the financial performance of the school ensuring money is well spent.

In supporting the school we are linked to key areas, which include safeguarding, standards, finance, Pupil Premium, Special Education Needs as well as supporting the School Development Priorities for the year. In addition we have Pay, Discipline and Grievance, Pupil Exclusion, Appeals and Head Teacher Appraisal committees that we serve on.

If you wish to contact our Governors regarding a concern, please see the complaints policy and procedures under the 'Policies' section of our website.


Governor information including Chair of the Governing Body and Chair of each committee: Please click the link below

Governors Interest and Roles


Attendance record for 2022-2023: Please click on the link below.

Caddington and Slip End Area Alliance